Thursday, January 14, 2010

Symptoms Of Diabetes In Two Year Olds 2 1/2 Year Old Drinks A Lot - Can It Be Diabetes?

2 1/2 year old drinks a lot - can it be diabetes? - symptoms of diabetes in two year olds

My daughter seems to drink and urinate a lot, two of which are symptoms of type 2 diabetes. I do not know if it's only because it is summer or if there is something serious. It seems to have no other symptoms, and if this continues, I'll call your pediatrician ... but I wonder whether someone is a child who had drunk so much? Usually one cup of 8 ounces of water or juice and milk drinks to enjoy in the morning can slam and two runs in half an hour when she comes home from daycare. They provide water and milk in the nursery, but I really do not know how much they are drinking ... I have not mentioned, which seems too high, but ... Mothers make more thoughts. Thank you for your thoughts and experiences with such things!

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